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At Endurance Nutrition we want our services to be accessible to EVERYONE and we know that 1:1 Nutrition Coaching may not be the right fit for you which is why have a variety of services to pick from. If you are interested in 1:1  Nutrition Coaching please complete the brief application here on my site and I'll be in touch soon.


If you're not sure which one of these services is the right fit for you--check out this blog post or send me an email

  In this course, Registered Dietitian, Ultrarunner, and founder of Endurance Nutrition--Kayla Fitzgerald, will walk you through the process of creating your own customized race day fueling plan. No more guessing and hoping that the few gels you brought will get you though. You'll learn exactly what to eat and how much in order to feel your best and crush your next race!  And because the months leading up to race day are JUST AS important---I'll show you how to easily adjust the way you're eating to meet the demands of training so that you feel GREAT during those tough workouts. Hydration, supplements, carb loading---we're digging into all of it.


If you are a runner this course is for you. It doesn't matter if you're training for a 5k or 100 miler. Learning how to fuel your body is KEY to feeling great and staying injury free​


Course: $199 for lifetime access including future updates

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This 4-Week Course will walk you through the principles of Intuitive Eating with DAILY support via video lessons from me, journal prompts, and other resources. You can have food freedom and it starts here in this course! Enrollment is always open and you have lifetime access to the course!


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The Dig In Membership is the most budget friendly and VALUE packed way we can work together! It includes access to:

  • Community of other runners for support and a place to ask all your nutrition/running questions!

  • 1-2 LIVE Masterclasses/Expert Guest Speakers each month

  • Sports Nutrition Resource Library with past masterclasses, worksheets, and more

  • Monthly Runner Friendly Recipe Collections

  • PLUS 10% off all courses

  • Cancel anytime


At $35/month you won't find a better way to connect with a Dietitian & other runners who are also trying to figure out how to fuel up!


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I LOVE writing custom run fueling plans. If you've got a race coming up and you need to know exactly what to eat and when--this is the package for you!


You've got 2 options to grab a plan: 


-One Time Run Fueling Plans include a customized race day fueling plan + 1 week of support via email where you can ask questions and we can make edits to the plan if needed! This is for you if your race is coming up quickly or if you have some idea of what you should be doing and just need some help putting it all together


-Group Coaching is where you'll get not just a customized fueling plan with unlimited edits over the course of 3 months but you'll get support for ALL aspects of your nutrition


In both options you get a customized run fueling plan to use on long runs & race day that include a recommended pre race breakfast--group coaching includes 3 month of support whereas the one time plan does not include



This workbook is perfect for anyone who leads an active lifestyle! You don’t need to be an elite athlete to learn how to properly fuel your body. Includes 71 page of educational handouts, worksheets, and quizzes to help you create your own winning daily fueling strategy.



Includes 1 60 minute session to discuss nutrition topic of your choice + care plan summarizing session + any resources discussed + 3 days text support. This is not meant for someone who desires long term nutrition counseling but rather someone who needs that 1 session without our usual 3 month commitment. Perfect if you have an upcoming race and need to nail down hydration/fueling/carb loading OR someone with lots of nutrition questions who wants credible answers and a plan!

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Get a customized carb loading plan for your next race created by Registered Dietitian and Ultrarunner Kayla Fitzgerald. This plan will outline exactly what to eat in the days leading up to your race so you can get out there and crush it on race day. Plan will be sent within 24 business hours (Monday-Thursday) after completing brief questionnaire sent to you at time of purchase. 

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Functional testing can help us get to the root cause of issues that are common but are not normal: unexplained weight gain/loss, bloating, headaches, constant fatigue, joint pain, mood swings, anxiety, GI issues, PMS--and more. Once we know what's going on inside we will use nutrition, lifestyle change and short term supplementation to address your root cause and help you feel your best


This package includes:

-Your choice of GI Map or DUTCH test  

-30 minute consultation to review results and discuss recommended protocol

-Direct link with discount to any supplements recommended

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This has been a LONG time in the making and I'm so excited to finally have a super user friendly site where you can truly grab whatever you need to help you dial in your nutrition! There are 20+ masterclasses in the library and I will continue to add to it every month. If you want access to ALL the masterclasses + access to a community of other runners + expert guest speakers + monthly recipe collections---check out Dig In Membership

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